Safety & Risk Management

The health and safety of your team is a very important function. Employers are required to “provide work and workplaces that are safe and healthful. In other words, as an employer, you must follow state laws governing job safety and health. Failure to do so can result in a threat to the life or health of workers, and substantial monetary penalties."

AccompliCenter can help you develop safety training, emergency response plans, and return-to-work programs.

Required: Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)

Part of your general duty, in California, is to create an Injury and Illness Prevention Program. This is a written document kept on file at your place of business that describes your responsibilities in establishing, implementing, and maintaining your safety program.

The program must include:

  • Identification of potential hazards
  • Workplace objectives for accident/illness prevention
  • An emphasis on staff health and safety responsibilities
  • Recognition that supervisors are accountable for employee health and safety
  • A means to encourage employees to report unsafe conditions
  • Resources devoted to identifying and controlling hazards
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Training
  • A system for assuring employee compliance
  • An evaluation system
  • An accident investigation procedure, including near-miss accidents
  • Procedures for correcting unsafe conditions
  • Recordkeeping and documentation procedures

We can help in two ways

We can develop training that is specific to your location.

We can provide you with a basic Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) that meets your legal requirement for compliance.


IIPP Contents

  • A complete Cal OSHA Injury and Illness Prevention Program
  • Code of Safe Work Practices
  • A complete set of work area hazard assessment checklists
  • An Identified Hazards Correction Record Worksheet
  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) Assessment Results Worksheet
  • Comprehensive Safety Training Subjects List
  • Sample Worker Training Instruction Records
  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program Evaluation Guide

After your purchase is complete, we will reach out to conduct a short interview so that we can produce your custom IIPP.